I've posted a few pictures from my library. Let's play a game, shall we? What does your standard issue library look like? What does it have? Now. What does this one look like, what does it have?
By my estimation, I have got :
-several student computers that are a) not networked to the ILS, and b) not networked to the printer. Until I resolve a few communication problems with the IT people (and you think dealing with them in English is bad), I don't think this will be changing.
-2 desks pushed together to make a large-ish work space. Not fantastic, but manageable.
-a water cooler. This took me 3 weeks of fighting for, and represents a major victory to me.
-a book case. Already packed to the gills.
-dictionaries for sale. I currently have as many of these as circulating books.
-assorted gym equipment. Why? Because until the gym is completed, the library is the most logical place to store a few basketballs, of course.
-6 tables, not nearly enough chairs
-roughly 600 books, 24 of which have been catalogued.
Now, what I would like is
-more storage space for my various binders, files, manuals, the eventual publisher catalogues I will have...
-stands for the magazines that I will order
-paperback stands
-newspaper racks for the newspapers that will eventually come in
-book carts
-a return book area, preferably in a nice workable desk
-vertical files
-an atlas/dictionary/thesaurus stand
-some reading themed posters
-some plants
and, it probably goes without saying, but
-more books.
I've been told that the furniture may or may not have been ordered. Someone is in the process of finding out who may have been responsible for this and then tracking down when the furniture may or may not arrive. Until then, I make do. What is more difficult for me at the moment is finding the time to catalogue 500 books, order an entire library's worth of books and learn the Mandarin words for 'network' and 'OPAC'. Let's hope my librarian sea legs kick in soon.
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